Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spring Break......
5.Read books. For fun. For more then a few minutes at a time.
6.Take walks, dance, skip, twirl, and frolick.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sunshine and Metal
It was incredibly foggy early this morning on the way to class... I loved it, reminded me of my FAVORITE scene from Pride & Prejudice when Mr. Darcy is walking towards Elizabeth in the morning fog =]
I indulged myself ( and rewarded myself for making it thru algebra without dozing and also getting to skip class because of my orthodontist appointment heh heh) by making a stop at Starbucks ( college moment!! ha ha) and tried their new Dark Cherry Mocha ({oh so deelish!!) with a Petite Vanilla Bean Scone to go. scrumptious.
The weather turned out to be BEAUTIFUL today! Thank you God for the sunshine and warm breeze!!
It was most certainly a TOMS day.
{ actually, in my opinion, everyday is a TOMS day. I heart my comfy shoes} Oh Spring, you greeted me so cheerily when I came home today.
Ho humm I did indeed get my braces today.

Monday, March 22, 2010
Happy Birrrffffday!!!!

My Beautiful, Hilarious, fun-lovin younger sista
she's sweet sixteen today
Friday, March 19, 2010
Come Steal My Heart Please
I swooned when I saw this the other day.
I heart this video
I heart books and Amazon
I heart the song they use
I heart Fridays
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Straight to the Point

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I Fail at Irish Accents

and I notice the folks with red hair everywhere I go
and I also realize I have no talent looking for four leaf clovers. ( or patience)
and I love the fact that people who despise green will actually where some form of it.
and in my thoughts everything has an Irish accent
and I like to buy chocolate gold money.
I'm wearing 3 different shades of green today.
Happy St. Patty's!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Terrific Tuesday

Monday, March 15, 2010
Taggity Tag Tagaroo!

1. High heels or boots? gahh, would you be surprise to hear from a 6ft tall lady that I love to put on a pair of cute heels and teeter totter around? 'tis true, I have a thing for cute shoes, and for some reason am always drawn towards the ones that ironically have the 2in or more heels. ( and I'm such a clutz yet I still wear them!!) they tell me that a girl my height doesn't NEED to wear heels, " umm, excuse me? I can't hear you all the way up here, sorry, but I'm not gonna be left out!" but in the end my all time favorite is my well worn and comfy pair of riding boots. yeesss I even wear them when i am not riding.
2. What time did you get up this morning? well, I'm usually am up by 6:15am to get ready for class, make sure I eat something, and do a little reading or list making... but my brain was holding on so tight to the weekend sleepiness and I think I hit the snooze button twice... and didn't get up intil 6:45am(still made it to class on time!). I can be a night owl or a morning person no prob, although I tend to be more of a morning person ( no hatin'!)
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Young Victoria. Best movie of the year so far, amazing. seriously. SO good!
4. What is your name? Rachel, Rache-, Ra-kell, Tall girl, and so forth. ha ha
5. What is your favorite TV show? hmm, I kinda breeze thru tv and watch whatever I find amusing that evening, or whatever fits my mood. Sometimes it's Criminal Minds, but as of late it's been a lot of The Office. Michael Scott, Jim, and Dwight. bah ha.
6. What do you usually have for breakfast? oatmeal( I experiment with it all the time by adding different things, like fruit, chocolate, honey, etc) and my 2nd fav is peanut butter/honey on an english muffin or nutella on toast.
7. What is your middle name? Maria!! *coughs* nah, it's just Marie.
8. What food do you dislike? is it a bad thing that I had to think on this one? hard? COOKED cold broccoli and Gator meat. *gags*
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Haywire, only cuz Josh Turner said it was. ;)
10. What characteristic do you despise? I would say someone who is quick to judge ( or lable) someone as to what kind of person they are before they take the time to really know them and learn about them. Don't categorize!
11. Favorite clothing? I do love my dresses, skirts, jeans, cute tops and hats....but my inner nerd/lazy bum could live the rest of its' life in gym shorts and a big baggy T-shirt.
12. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? gah! such dreams in this department!!! It's a three way tie between France, Ireland, and Rome
13. Are you an organized person? It all depends on the situations, I am a neat freak and highly organized when it comes to my job and career as an equestrian, and then at home I can sometimes be a real slob. But you will be glad to know that last week I completely organized my room and car and got rid of lots of useless things( off to goodwill!).. so I'm getting better on that end =]
14. Where would you retire to? In this world? probably Europe...ha ha. ( I wish) in the long run? Heaven =]
15. What was your most recent memorable birthday? My sixteenth birthday (2007) I went to Estee Lauder and had a makeover, first time, I felt like a model.... and pretty pleased with myself because that was the most girly thing I had ever done!
16. What are you going to do when you finish this? Go to work( at the barn) and give my sister a riding lesson.
17. What is your Birthstone? January...so I thought it was Ruby and i cheated and Binged it and found out it's actually Garnet. ha ha.
18. Person you expect to publish this first? whoever has the time and courage to fill this out (ooooooh)
19. When is your birthday? January 4th
20. Are you a morning person or a night person? ha ha like I said earlier I can go either way, but more so an Early Bird.
21. What is your shoe size? 10, dont judge, the big feet just balance out my tall frame. ;)
22. Do you own any animals? A dog, Lucy, she's the family dog going on 6 years now, and I also have a Quarter Horse named Delilah.
23. Any news you'd like to share? My spring break is next week, salty air and sandy beaches here I come!
24. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? I never really knew, I just wanted to be a horseback rider. =]
25. What is your favorite flower? since you probably don't know..... it's the sunflower ;)
26. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? March 26th! (break!)
27. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Sunglow
28. How is the weather right now? Super sunny with a gusty wind. delightful!!
29. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My madre.
30. Favorite drink? I heart my H2O
31. Favorite restaurant? GahH, I love my food, and I love my Panera Bread, Cheesecake Factory, and Olive Garden. =]
32. Hair color? Brunette! ( chocolate covered blonde, cuz I have my "moments" ha ha)
33. What was your favorite toy as a child? My bike, and my collection of toy horses. my favorites were my Grand Champions from Wal-Mart. tee hee!
34. Summer or winter? I like snow, but I for sho adore my summer days.
35. Chocolate or vanilla? *coughs* seriously? You need ask a girl this question? Chocolate all the way!! especially Dark Chocolate. *drools*
36. Coffee or tea? gah, tea and I are great friends over books. and Coffee is my college pick-me-up.
37. Wish you were still young? I will always be a little kid trapped in an ever older growing body.
38. Do you want your friends to publish this? I admit this has been pretty fun ( even if it is long, bonus points and virtual sprinkles to those who read it all!!) and it would be kool to read about other bloggers through this =]
39. When was the last time you cried? about 2 weeks ago, but it didnt last for much, I can't stay sad very long!
40. What is under your bed? Organized boxes and a lot less junk, ah ha!
41 . What did you do last night? I chilled with my sisters while watching Celebrity Apprentice....farewell weekend.
42. What are you afraid of? disappointing others
43. Salty or sweet? sheesh, everyone knows they go hand-in- hand!! but I give into sugar so much easier.
44. Best quality you have? ha ha, I don't know! I would hope it's making others happy. oooh wait a minute, being tall. I win.
45. How many years at your current job? I've been in the horse business for 7 years and my current job 5 months and internship for 2 months.
46. Favorite day of the week? oooh so obvious, it's TUESDAY!
47. What four people will you tag? Anna at Popsicles, Emily at The White Way of Delight, Laura at Always Losing My Chapstick, and Whitney at Happy Thoughts
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sunny Motivation

Thursday, March 11, 2010

{One must always ride the Ferris Wheel to experience the full festival effect}
That's the word I choose to describe the past few days. SPLENDID.

( although my eardrums tell me that many other girsl were)
His wife was in the the band with him, and even sang a song with him.
ummm, hello!! It is practically mandatory to consume strawberry shortcake and chocolate covered strawberries at the Festival. Seriously, they won't let you out until you do. I of course fully embraced this rule and indulged in some yummm-O treats!!!
After the concert I went on a mission to find me a vendor selling those tasty frozen bananas. I mean, come on, it's fruit. and chocolate. Where in the world could you go wrong with that??? As I was watching(and drooling) the lady carefully dip my banana in chocolate I practically gasped when I saw a humongous tray of SPRINKLES!! I waited, and waited, and then she asked " would you like that rolled in nuts?" --"noooo" I said not taking my eyes off the tray. " well, would you like it with just the chocolate then" ----- " umm, noooo" still bambi eyeing the tray. " okay, then how about sprinkles?" ----" OH YES PLEASE!!!!" and the I pretty much squealed as she rolled and rolled that chocolate covered banana in colorful goodness.
Perfect for some casual shopping, baking ,and a good book.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Terrific Tuesday!!

Monday, March 8, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010

aaaaand now.
hoooray! huzzah!! hippy hip!!! yahoo!!!
I am super duper excited, and will soon have a box of happy on its way to you!!
So so close *smiles*

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
She needs her brain you see....

Dear Algebra and other such things,
*** Pssssst!!! This is post 98 9-8
Monday, March 1, 2010