Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I haven't deserted you dear blog, or lovely followers.
I miss sitting here and rambling daily.
It's been overwhelmingly busy these past few days.
My Allergies this season ( oh the joys of living in Florida, pollen galore!) have been the worst they have ever been. I've felt pretty crummy and tired.
Then there was Easter weekend, helping out with an event at work, and scrambling to gather up homework assignments and study for an exam
( college classes have started up once more...farewell break)
I'm feeling much better today, and I have been studying tons for an upcoming exam tomorrow.
once that's all over and done with... I shall return. =]
I cannot wait to sit down and catch up on all of ya'lls blogs!!
I hope your Easter weekend was fabulous!


Nicole Jeannette said...

Haha life happens and I did the same thing! Welcome back!

Blue Sue said...

ugh everything here is covered with pollen
the cars are yellow!