Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year

I LOVE the new year...not for the festivities that happen this time of year, but the feeling of ending one year and beginning a new one. I love looking back and counting my blessings...but also looking forward and being filled with the anticipation of whatever God has in store for me. fresh, new, and exciting. oh how I love a new year! Not only that, but my birthday lands right after New Years-January 4th. so throw in a new age too! I turned 21 this past week. Thankful for another great year of life...and looking forward to another!

I also really enjoy planning out my new year resolutions... however I often get incredibly carried away with them and end up with a mile long list! ( always the overachiever..). With this being my final semester of the Veterinary Technology Program and College in general, one of my "resolutions" is to make my resolutions list light, but still with a little challenge here and there.

So here goes!

1. Read my Daily devotional bible, daily..ha ha. I love this book because it is KJV, & everyday is a 2 page mixture of Old & New testament, plus some Proverbs and Psalms, along with a daily verse and small devotional related to what I read that day. This is perfect for my easily distracted brain! PLUS I will be able to finish the entire Bible in one year. BINGO! 

2. Diet Change. For personal health reasons I am going to be completely cutting out ALL Sugar and Gluten from my diet, along with replacing store bought Dairy with Raw grass fed dairy, and meat. I hope to make this a lifetime habit. In fact, my  family is slowly making this change with me. ( yay for support!) I've been making these changes with the help of a few close friends/and health mentors, along with doing boatloads of research. This is a slow process for us since it takes time to find replacements for what we normally use and also reliable/ethical dairy & meat vendors.... so we aren't there yet, but slow and steady wins the race! ( more updates on this to come!)

3. Learn to play the Guitar. I've owned a beautiful guitar for many many years now, but only play a handful of chords. ( ok, make that 3 ha ha) Yet I've always dreamed of playing and singing... so I shall attempt to practice daily even if it's only for 10min, and also,  a best friend of mine ( who is a talented musician) has offered to give me weekly lessons via Skype! Huzzah!!

4. Graduate from the Vet Tech program in May and pass the national certification exam in June! ( no description needed here )

5. Live in the moment. I want to look at each day individually, not stress about the upcoming days, but live in each moment by putting God first. Because honestly none of know when our last day is, and I have an awful habit of stress/worry, why waste moments worrying about the future? God wants us to serve and honor Him NOW, not later.

So that's it! 5 resolutions, I think they are pretty well balanced... I'm excited to put them into practice and will perhaps do monthly reviews to keep track of my progress!

oh, and not only is it a new year, & new age for me, but I was  hired to a NEW job! I just started training as a technician at an Animal Hospital near me. The clinic is amazing and I absolutely love the vets and staff so far, God has been good!

Happy New Year!


Image via Pinterest

p.s. I would be incredibly thankful if any of you readers would share the news of my blog Re-Reopening! I'm slowly trying to get the word out, in return I will post your blog link on my sidebar! 


silenthistorian said...

happy birthday! these sound like great resolutions. hope you enjoy accomplishing them through the year.

Brittany said...

I'm proud of you for making the health change! Why did you decided to cut gluten? Let me know how it goes!

His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

these sound like great resolutions! Can't wait to hear your updates through out the year!

lydia said...

Great goals for the new year! I am especially impressed with your resolution to cut out sugar and gluten! I have seriously contemplated this several times and have done well with cutting out sugar. But, it's difficult to buy groceries and eat one way for myself, but keep everyone else in the family happy! :)

Rachel said...

Brittany- I decided to cut out gluten because I've come to realize It's what's been causing my stomach upset for many years. turns out I'm allergic, ever since I stopped eating it so much I feel great!