TOMS Shoes.
yes, I personally own a pair, and LOVE them.
I, however, cannot take full credit for discovering these shoes.
my dear friend Whitney did. I saw her wearing a pair and just couldn't get over how cute, and comfy they looked! plus you can practically wear them with anything.really.I saw her shoes, she told me the story behind them, and I was hooked. This is usually how people find out about them, the shoes are eye catching =]
"TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we're all about."
You get a totally cool and groovy pair of shoes.
A kid who really needs them gets a pair too!All for the price of just one pair =]oh I love being inspired.Now, they aren't super cheap. But I really truly believe it is worth it.You could buy a pair as a gift to someone, and at the same time be giving a pair to someone who desperately needs shoes. No extra money, no scams, just honest giving =]

P.S. I don't know about you, but I would love to have those wrap boots. they come in multiple colors, too cute! =]
also, a new reader of mine, Federica, is having a sweet giveaway at her place. go check it out!
Have a great day!!
Ooh those are awesome! Cute site! :)
Thanks for the mention!
I wanna pair of Toms!!!
I did not know they had boots! They look so comfy.
i have a pair of tom's. they are the leather and canvas cordones. I love them.
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